TAIM Investments

A financial services and investment management company

About Us

TAIM Investments is a boutique investment management company that manages a range of unit trusts investing in blue-chip Australian listed equities.

Access to TAIM’s investment vehicles is only available to wholesale clients who meet the ASIC definition, being in general a person who has aggregated net assets of $2.5 million or has aggregated gross income for each of the last two financial years of at least $250,000 a year.

Company Executive Management

Peter Harriss – Managing Director
Peter is the founder of TAIM and the developer of the TAIM Methodology that has demonstrated consistent positive returns that have exceeded the relevant ASX benchmarks. Peter is the principal fund manager for TAIM ’s investment trusts and as CEO remains responsible for the performance of the existing funds as well as investigating additional fund options.

Peter is a qualified engineer with extensive experience in manufacturing and the management of product development and technology commercialisation projects. He is an experienced professional manager who has established a successful career in building, managing and leading successful innovation-based companies.

More recently Peter has served as founding CEO and Company Secretary for a number of technology companies emanating from the University of South Australia, including Cohda Wireless, which has grown to become the dominant global leader in the emerging automotive cooperative safety market.

Risk and Compliance Committee

Andrew Lyons-Davis – Chair, Risk and Compliance Committee
Andrew has in excess of 20 years of direct hands-on experience in global financial markets, most recently as the Chief Operating Officer of a successful, Hong Kong based, Asian equities manager. In addition, Andrew has over a decade of experience with a top 20 global investment manager in the Asia Pacific region in senior roles (local and regional) in a range of locations including Australia, Hong Kong, Korea and Dubai.

Andrew has been a member of various senior leadership teams, boards and risk and compliance committees and is experienced in the governance and regulatory compliance of asset management businesses. Andrew resides in Sydney providing consulting services to the financial asset management sector.

Larry Simon – Member, Risk and Compliance Committee
Larry has in excess of 20 years experience in financial services industry compliance management. He is a Principal of the Lazorne Group, a company offering a comprehensive suite of services to the financial services industry, and is based in Sydney.

Larry began his career in 1988, entering the financial markets in 1997. He has undertaken general management activities and performed compliance roles in a retail broking firm operating across margin foreign exchange, equities and futures products.

He has a practical background, coupled with IT, front and back-office and compliance experience. He also had responsibilities for nurturing a strong and healthy relationship with the regulators across a diverse range of financial products.

He holds a Bachelor of Economics in Accounting, Finance and Business Law from Macquarie University.

TAIM Services

Introducing TAIM’s Regulatory Compliance and Operational Management Services

TAIM Services offers a range of regulatory compliance and operational management services to both start-up managers looking to establish themselves in the Australian funds management sector and international managers looking to penetrate the Australian market.

Our Funds

The TAIM Methodology

The TAIM Methodology has been developed over 10+ years and can be best described as:

A proprietary trend following price momentum investment methodology that focuses on overall portfolio performance and has been substantially automated.

In practice, this methodology consists of disciplined weekly process of:

  • Analysing stock data to determine a target portfolio,
    Adjusting the actual portfolio held at the start of the week to align with the target portfolio,
  • Evaluating portfolio performance at the end of the week, and repeating.

The underlying analysis seeks to use statistical analysis to determine the probability of a given company to outperform the general market in the coming week. It is based on a securities’ past price performance only, on the premise that price history efficiently incorporates all relevant market information.
This process is repeated on a weekly basis and the portfolio of company securities held is adjusted accordingly.

During periods of significant market decline (eg March 2008 to May 2009), the TAIM Methodologies designed to produce a signal to exit the market completely. Therefore, the Investment Manager may hold at these times all, or a significant proportion, of the Funds Assets in cash.

Investment Timeline

An investment horizon of at least 5 to 7 years is suggested to allow the Fund to achieve its investment objectives. Investors should be aware that the Fund is not suitable for short-term investment. We recommend that you consider, with your financial adviser, the suggested investment period for the Fund, having regard to your own investment timeframe.

TAIM ASX200 Momentum Fund

The TAIM ASX200 Momentum Fund is an unregistered wholesale Australian unit trust.
Investment Objective and Strategy
The investment objective of the Fund is to employ a rigorous and systematic quantitative investment methodology to deliver investors significant capital growth over time, and which consistently outperforms the Fund’s benchmark. The Fund will aim to achieve this objective by investing in a portfolio of listed Australian company securities.

The Fund’s strategy will be to employ TAIM’s proprietary methodology to construct a portfolio holding of approximately 20 target companies, which the Investment Manager believes will outperform the general market in the coming week. This process is repeated on a weekly basis and the portfolio of company securities held is adjusted accordingly.

There can be no assurance that the Fund will achieve its investment objective.

TAIM ASX200 Leveraged Momentum Fund

The TAIM ASX200 Leveraged Momentum Fund is an unregistered wholesale Australian unit trust.
Investment Objective and Strategy
The investment objective of the Leveraged Fund is to employ a rigorous and systematic quantitative investment methodology to deliver investors significant capital growth over time, and which consistently outperforms the Fund’s benchmark. The Fund will aim to achieve this objective using a leveraged approach and investing in a portfolio of listed Australian company securities.

The Fund’s strategy will be to employ TAIM’s proprietary methodology to construct a portfolio holding of approximately 20 target companies, which the Investment Manager believes will outperform the general market in the coming week. This process is repeated on a weekly basis and the portfolio of company securities held is adjusted accordingly.

There can be no assurance that the Fund will achieve its investment objective.


How do I Invest?

Investment in either the TAIM ASX200 Leveraged Momentum Fund or TAIM ASX200 Momentum Fund must be made via the Application Form attached to the relevant Investment Memorandum (IM). Copies of the IM are available on this website or from your Financial Advisor.

Who can Invest?

Investors who are classified as “Wholesale” or “Sophisticated” Investors are able to invest in the TAIM funds. Application forms must be submitted with appropriate documentation to support the Investor status. Only residents of Australia are able to invest in the TAIM funds.

What are the Fees?

The Fees charged are detailed in the relevant IM and include a Management Fee and Performance Fee. Your Financial Advisor may also charge a fee for providing their services. Please refer to the relevant TAIM IM for full details on the current fee structure.

What is the Investment Philosophy?

The investment objective of the Fund is to employ a rigorous and systematic quantitative investment methodology to deliver investors significant capital growth over time, and which consistently outperforms the Fund’s benchmark. The Fund will aim to achieve this objective by investing in a portfolio of listed Australian company securities. The Fund’s strategy will be to employ TAIM’s proprietary methodology to construct a portfolio holding of approximately 20 target companies, which the Investment Manager believes will outperform the general market in the coming week. This process is repeated on a weekly basis and the portfolio of company securities held is adjusted accordingly. There can be no assurance that the Fund will achieve its investment objective.

What are the minimum Investment amounts?

The minimum investment amount in either Fund is $50,000.

TAIM Investments
A boutique investment management company

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